Long time ago, I intented to create my own static blog on github. I tried jekyll and octopress at beginning of this year. Hoever it just not the feel of blog. It kind of short simplicity. I am not against to use ruby. As a Front end developer now, I used ruby quite alot for sass and compass. I also used leanote and wiznote for personal blog building. Still I feels there is something not correct.

Unti I find vimWiki, I realized the language for bloging is not convenient for me. As a programmer, I prefer to note down my thoughts as fast as possible. Markdown with TOC seems is perfect for me. Then I recorded jekyll also support markdown. After the second time of investigation in jekyll, I found out jekyll is not convenient for markdown indexing and generating TOC. I know They can be archieve by installing generators. In the time of search around, hexo falls into my eyes. It’s combination of all functions I am looking for, And it’s build on Nodejs, this is a plus point for me. =)


Install Hexo

How to install

follow the user guild, the installation of Hexo is very standard NodeJs installation. make sure your have NodeJs installed first.

$ npm install -g hexo

Init your project

create a new folder and inside the folder, init the hexo project.

hexo init

See your blog

start your hexo server, you can see your hexo is runing on localhost:4000

hexo server

Your first post

hexo new "your title"

Now your blog is up to running. How simple it is. ~o~

Setup Theme

Now is time to beautify your blog. I will not list down the common markdown syntex You can browser through the hexo themes. I need a theme has better navigation, tags system and also support internal search. I found this theme indigo suits all my needs.

Clone your theme

Copy the theme into your themes

$ git clone https://github.com/yscoder/hexo-theme-indigo /themes/indigo/

Shift to new theme

You only need to modify the ‘_config.yml’ to enable the new theme

theme: indigo

Install all necessary plugs

To enable the theme default functions, style, feed rss, json content and side
navigator, you need to install following plugins.

$ npm install --save hexo-renderer-less hexo-generator-feed
hexo-generator-json-content hexo-toc

Enable tags

Create a page tag and modify it to enable the them tags.

hexo new page tags

Modify the create tags page, replace the content as below.

layout: tags
noDate: true
comments: false

Now you have your first nice theme. Because this theme is created by a chinese
author, you might need to change system chinese instructions. It wont take you
too much time compare to create your own theme. You can also find your own
prefered theme on hexo website. The installation takes the same steps.

Deploy to github

The Deployment in hexo is so simple to do. You only need to specify the deploy in
your _config.yml, then you are ready to go. I prefer to host my blog on my

Setup deployment

github account.

type: git
repor: your repo url // you can choose ssh or http repo url
branch: master // you can choose to publish to your gh page if you have
more then one blog on your github account.


$ hexo generate && hexo deploy

You will be asked to key in username and password if you choose to use http repo url.


There are few functions I added to my blog. Some of them took me few time to
figure it out how they works. List them down here, hope can save your time.

Enable Disqus Comment prompt

the disqus short name is not your username or display name. It’s the name in
your url right before the ‘disqus.com’, this one really confused me for a

disqus_shortname: your_disques_shortname

Hope this post can help you. I will update this on the way of using it. Leave
your comments if you need any assistant.

本文地址: https://bookcaseballpen.github.io/2016/09/17/My-first-post/